A Letter of Love and Rest
Dear weary Image Bearer of God,
Image Bearer of God, you are welcome,
Welcome to come to me,
Me, Jesus, I am the invitation for all.
All of you who are fatigued and worn out,
Worn out from working,
Working hard to get ahead and please others with little rest.
Rest that you need to lighten burdens,
Burdens you carry from suffering, death and the enemies lies.
Lies that create chaos that are not meant for you to believe.
Believe in my healing power, give me what you carry,
What you carry in your heart, mind, body, and soul, is too much,
Is too much for you to sustain,
To sustain good posture and thriving relationships, it is time.
It is time to let go,
Let go of what is weighing down my Presence,
Presence that I promise will give you rest,
Rest that is fully encompassed in my Love,
My Love that beholds you, my beloved.
Beloved, in this rest, I give you myself,
Myself that invites you to abide,
Abide in me and allow me to sustain,
Sustain and fulfill all your desires.
Your desires, the hunger you have for Love,
Love that meets the broken world,
The broken world that, through my loving-kindness, will be restored.
Restored and made new,
Made new with my Love,
My Love, that is a fountain flowing that offers Life.
Life that is full and sweet,
Sweet and gentle,
Gentle and a source of strength,
Strength that will unveil my heart,
My heart that longs to give you rest,
Rest for your soul.
Your soul that adheres to my Love,
My Love, that makes your burdens light,
Light that offers rest for all who will come.
Come, Dear weary Beloved,
Beloved, there is rest for you.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)