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Articles about Christian Spiritual Formation, Soul Care, and Life with God
In the Waiting: Psalm 23
I’ve been waiting for this day! Psalm 23 has been a sure guide for my soul over the years. When I started my Advent journey of meditating (and writing) on a Psalm a day, I mentally circled this day on the calendar.
Dallas Willard’s book, “Life Without Lack,” will be the text book for my time with God today. As I type out his words, unpacking the phrases of the 23rd psalm, I pray the Holy Spirit will do a restoring work in me.
My heart is overflowing with joy as I dwell in the presence of Jesus, my good Shepherd. As I anticipate Christmas day, I want all the parts that make me who I am to be brought closer still. I’m making my way to the Holy Child in Bethlehem. Along with the Shepherds, I rejoice at the proclamation of Christ’s birth. I must go see for myself.
(The following is from Life Without Lack by Dallas Willard,, pp.xviii-xix)
The Lord is my shepherd.
In other words, I’m in the care of someone else. I’m not the one in charge. I’ve taken my kingdom and surrendered it to the kingdom of God. I am living the with-God life. The Lord is my shepherd. And what follows from that?
I shall not want.
That’s the natural result. I shall not lack anything. That’s what Jesus teaches: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,” and everything else will be added (Matt.6:33).
He makes me to lie down in green pastures.
What kind of a sheep lies down in a green pasture? A sheep that has eaten its fill. If a sheep is in a green pasture and she’s not full, she’ll be eating, not lying down.
He leads me beside the still waters.
A sheep that is being led beside still water is a sheep that is not thirsty…
He restores my soul.
The broken depths of my soul are healed and reintegrated in a life in union with God: the eternal kind of life.